(* English only events *}

TESL Ontario Webinar

TESL Ontario: The Power of Teacher Agency

Mohammad Nabil

Created by: TESL Ontario

Presented in English

How can reflective practices transform your teaching and student performance? Imagine if a few reflective moments could boost your clarity, confidence, and impact. Learn how reflective purpose leads you through challenge, triumph, and professional growth. Find easy ways of integrating reflective practices into your classroom for sustained growth.

Explore how reflection can transform your teaching and enhance student performance. Discover techniques for integrating reflection into your...

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Starts Ends Location
Sun Jun 22, 2025
07:00 PM EDT
Sun Jun 22, 2025
08:00 PM EDT
Link to access sent by email by Zoom. Check for confirmation after registering.

Event Registration: TESL Ontario Members

If you belong to the TESL Ontario group on Tutela, simply click on the “Log in to Register” button. Once logged in, your registration status for this event will update automatically.

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If you’re not sure, log in here and check first before registering as important details about the event will be sent to this address.

Not a member of Tutela yet? Click here to register. Once approved, request to join the TESL Ontario group. Please email with any questions.

Event Registration: Non-TESL Ontario Members

Are you a Tutela member?

Log in before you register to have unlimited access to the webinar recording.

Not a Tutela member?

It’s free to register and join* - click here to get started - or click on the “Pay to Register” button to continue with the registration process for this event (*subject to eligibility criteria). Registration for non-Tutela members includes unlimited access to the webinar recording for 2 months once uploaded.

For help or questions, please email

Refund policy: Webinar registrations are non-refundable, with the exception that a full refund will be given if the live event is cancelled. Minimum system and internet connection requirements are the attendee’s responsibility.

Pay to Register
Webinar Price:
(CAD, plus taxes)

Event Information

Make sure your email address is up to date on your Tutela profile to receive important details about this event.

Before the event, you will receive an email with the link to join the event. This is how you will access the event (i.e. no longer through the event page on Tutela).

Please review the minimum system requirements for attendees in advance of the event.

How to Obtain PD Time

After the event, come back to this event page to download your PD certificate (if you meet the criteria).
This event page has been created by the Tutela member listed above and Tutela takes no responsibility for the accuracy of the information or any payment transactions that you choose to make based on the instructions. You also understand that we have no control over the contents of the webinar or the conduct of the host/presenter and other attendees.

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